July 14, 2020 - (Calgary, AB) We’ve reached an exciting milestone: we have now completed our 1,000th kilometre of paved pathway. This is the most extensive urban pathway and bikeway network in North America.
This multi-modal system allows you to experience a number of hidden gems around the city like glacier rocks, historic trees, natural springs and plenty of wildlife.
Unique to Calgary’s pathway system is its connectivity, highlighted by the Rotary Mattamy greenway, a 138 km system that circles Calgary and connects to over 55 neighbourhoods. In addition, the “missing links” program identifies and constructs new regional pathway links, connecting existing sections of pathway network to one another.
Not only is new pathway being paved, but all 1000 kilometres of Calgary’s pathways are visually inspected each year and prioritized for lifecycle repairs and safety improvements.
As we continue to pave and repair Calgary’s pathways, we ask that you stay off closed pathways during construction. Detours are only a few extra kilometers long and help to ensure the safety of pathway users and our staff.
Find a pathway near you using our Pathways and Bikeways map:https://maps.calgary.ca/PathwaysandBikeways/