February 1, 2021 - What is the e-Global Winter Cycling Congress? The 2021 e-Global Winter Cycling Congress is a joint effort of the Winter Cycling Federation (WCF) and Klinkhamer Group | conferences & events. The WCF was founded in 2013 and held its first international congress the same year in Oulu, Finland.
After this first gathering, it became clear that WCF had identified an overwhelming need for more knowledge about winter cycling. It was decided that an annual congress concentrated on relevant issues was required. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and in-person gathering restrictions, the WCF and Klinkhamer Group decided to organize an online Winter Cycling Congress for 2021.
The Winter Cycling Federation’s vision is “winter cycling for everyone” – a world where cycling year-round is understood as normal and practical, where cycling is a viable transportation option for people of all ages and abilities. WCF’s mission is to create opportunities for inspiration, research and collaboration that help cities and countries around the world learn what it takes to develop, implement and maintain bicycle-focused transportation systems year-round.
Drawing upon inspiring examples from some of the premier cycling jurisdictions in the world, the Winter Cycling Congress (WCC) is now established as the main forum for sharing examples and good practices of winter cycling design, planning, policy, and implementation around the world. Its aim is to operate globally, since winter conditions are a reality for billions around the world.