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eNews – California Confirms $31 Million for eBike Rebates in 2024

May 4, 2024 - On March 14, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) confirmed that a total of $31 million will now be available for the state’s E-Bike Incentive Project in 2024.

The new program will assist around 15,000 residents. © Calbike

This includes the original $10 million allocation from the legislature, plus the $3 million CARB added, and an additional $18 million that CARB put in its current budget as part of its clean transportation programs. It’s estimated that the program will assist around 15,000 residents.

The announcement was made during a public work group to discuss the current status of the project and get feedback on two possible implementation schedules: make all funds available on the launch date or roll out the vouchers in three stages, one in each of the remaining quarters of 2024.

CalBike favours a phased rollout for voucher distribution. This has been found to increase equity in other programs, most notably the very successful Denver e-bike program.

At the work group, CARB reported that a soft launch is underway and going well, and that the incentive availability timeline would be announced in April.

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