November 14, 2022 - Hello BC Cycling Groups…we’re so excited to announce that BCCC has $15,000 in grant money to give to communities in BC to achieve their cycling or active transportation project.
Please consider passing this information on to your contacts and community groups who may be looking for money to fund a community project.
Grant Program Overview
The BCCC Community Cycling Grant will promote cycling as transportation throughout the province of British Columbia. Cycling is booming in BC, yet in many places the infrastructure to support safe riding is lacking. This grant will help promote cycling as transportation at the provincial level, in keeping with the BCCC’s Active Transportation guidelines.
The four-year $60,000 grant program will support small scale regional/community-based projects that may include advocacy, education or outreach relating to Highway/Roadway safety, Safe Passing, Motor Vehicle Act Reform, Cycle Tourism, Active Transportation, and Infrastructure Improvements such as cycle highways.
The grant may also be used to defray campaign expenses including staffing or related administrative and organizational capacity building tasks.
The grant provides up to $30,000 of funding per year, with a maximum of $5000 per project. BCCC will make the final adjudication for each submission. For this intake, year one of the grant program, funding is available to successful applicants for projects taking place from January 1, 2023 through October 31, 2023. Project activities outside this time frame will not be considered.
For more information click here, or email
Ride on!