August 5, 2022 - (Saint-Georges, Quebec) Bewegen Technologies, a Quebec-based bike-sharing company, currently with 30 systems in nine countries, recently introduced the BeWagen to its line of BeMotion e-bike share operations.

The new BeWagen longtail cargo-bike style addition, with a load capacity up to 80kg (175 lbs) for carrying children or groceries, meets the evolving needs for more versatile transportation options in the expanding bike-share marketplace.
Founded in 2013 with a vision to bring cutting-edge options for active mobility, and sustainabile transportation solutions to cities around the world, Bewegen is now the only Canadian bike-share company following the recent sale of PBSC Urban Solutions, owner of Montreal’s Bixi, to American giant Lyft.
With a range of self-service e-vehicles compatible with turnkey docking technology and designed according to customer needs, Bewegen’s e-bikes feature their proprietary DynaMe electric motor, a 48V high-efficiency lithium ion battery with a range up to 60km (40 miles), GPS, digital screen to monitor speed, distance traveled, battery level and more.

Services include customizable branding, design and production of complete bike-sharing systems, urban planning, system operation and maintenance, along with other options.
“We launched the new BeWagen from our booth in the expo at the recent Velo-city conference in Ljubljana,” said Jacques Dutil, Business Development at Bewegen. “Interest in our system quickly developed in Europe where cycling is more mainstream, and the company name Bewegen means ‘to move, exercise, shift’ in Dutch.”
Bewegen currently has a larger footprint in Europe with systems in Portugal, Scotland, the UK, Germany, Estonia, including Costa Rica, but the company has made recent inroads into the USA and Canada with plans to expand across North America.

“We are indeed well positioned internationally and have plans to maintain this development. Bewegen is constantly expanding and we also wish to further develop North America to grow the number of systems beyond what we already have in the USA and Canada,” commented Tania Lacelle, Bewegen Brand Manager.
Based in Saint-Georges, Quebec, Bewegen Technologies is the brainchild of Raymond Dutil, who owned Procycle for 40 years and acquired Rocky Mountain Bicycles. The company worked with Michelle Dallaire to design and create e-bikes which resulted in their proprietary Dyname motor and e-drive system which became both the heart of Rocky’s Powerplay e-bikes and Bewegen’s e-bike share system as well.
For more information please visit here.