eBikes Spring BGuide 2024 - eCargo


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Cargo Cycling Chariot FS2

May 5, 2024 - The Chariot FS2 is the ultimate next-gen cargo e-trike that can effortlessly transport up to 1,500L with a 200kg maximum payload. Each rear wheel is powered by its own powerful Heinzmann CargoPower motor, each with 113Nm of torque — plus, there’s a reverse gear up to 3kph. A dual PowerPack Plus battery system (2x1440Wh) provides a 50km range. Full suspension smooths out your ride while powerful hydraulic disc brakes provide optimal stopping power. A crank generator eliminates the need for complex chain lines and transmissions, and a unique tilting mechanism optimizes steering and cornering stability. Fully modular and customizable, it comes with lights, mirrors and much more.

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