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eNews – Historic European Cycling Declaration Officially Adopted

May 9, 2024 - On April 3, the European Council, Commission and Parliament signed the European Cycling Declaration at Egmont Palace in Brussels, marking the official adoption of the first inter- institutional cycling policy at the European level.

Historic European Cycling Declaration signed at Egmont Palace in Brussels. © CONEBI

The declaration is the most ambitious EU-level policy initiative to date, recognizing cycling as a strategic priority and acknowledging its power to generate enormous benefits for Europe.

With eight core principles and 36 commitments, this landmark policy describes cycling as one of the “most sustainable, accessible and inclusive, low-cost and healthy forms of transport and recreation, and its key importance for European society and economy.”

The Informal Council meeting saw 27 European Transport Ministers gather to take a major step forward to grow cycling and develop a world-class European cycling industry.

The historic Declaration follows a series of high-level political cycling commitments, including the Transport Committee of the European Parliament which overwhelmingly voted to adopt the policy.

This monumental milestone for the advancement of cycling in Europe marks the successful collaboration of the European Cyclists’ Federation, Cycling Industries Europe and the Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI), who have long advocated for a unified cycling policy at the European level.

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