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Montréal’s Bixi to Run Pilot Winter Project with Studded Tires
October 26, 2023 - Montréal has announced that its Bixi bike-sharing service will be available this winter via a pilot project across seven boroughs. The service usually stops in November which is disappointing to some residents as there are still plenty of nice weather days to bike.

According to Bixi Montréal, about 150 of the city’s 850 bike-sharing stations will be included in the pilot project. “We have to remember that it only snows [heavily] about 10 days per year,” commented Alexandre Taillefer, who chairs the board of Bixi Montréal.
The pilot project will only include traditional bikes — not e-bikes — equipped with studded tires to deal with slippery conditions.
BIXI officials project about 4,000 users a day in the winter months. The bike-sharing stations that are part of the project will be located near metro stations and close to the city’s large Réseau express vélo (REV) bike path network.