eBikes Spring 2024

eBike Tests

  • Test Report: Tern’s New Orox S12 e-Cargo Bike Outperforms and is Ready for Any Adventure

  • Test Report: Carqon Cruise Premium eCargo Bike Delivers Reliable Competition for the Family Car

  • Test Report: Yamaha’s Crosscore RC is a Versatile eBike for Commuting & Urban Adventures

  • Test Report: Fulpra 2000L eCargo Trike for Commercial Deliveries is Ready for Business

eBikes 2022

  • eBikes 2022 – Trek Rail 9.9 XTR

  • eBikes 2022 – Opus E-Big City ST

  • eBikes 2022 – iGO Elite 3D

  • eBikes 2022 – Scott Patron eRIDE 900 Tuned


Support BC Cycling Coalition’s 30 for 30 Fall Fundraising Campaign for Safer Streets Now

release by the BC Cycling Coalition

October 9, 2024 - Today we are excited to announce the kick-off of our Fall fundraising campaign. From now until October 31, every donation to BCCC will build our capacity to advocate on behalf of another long overdue change to the Motor Vehicle Act: a default 30kph speed limit on all neighborhood streets in B.C.

BCCC is advocating for a default 30kph speed limit on all neighborhood streets in B.C. ©

Even better – if we raise $30,000, a generous donor has agreed to match your contribution dollar for dollar!

Why 30 kph?
With a province-wide 30 km/hr default, all residential streets in B.C. – streets without a centre line – will be made significantly safer overnight for everyone.

The probability of survival is just 20% for a pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle, travelling at 50kph – survival chances that increase to 90% when that vehicles is limited to 30kph.

British Columbia can’t afford to ignore the evidence.

Speed limits of 30 kph in 40 European cities delivered:
• a 23% reduction in road crashes
• a 37% reduction in fatalities, and
• a 38% reduction in injuries!

A Toronto study showed a 67% decrease in major and fatal injuries after speed limits were lowered to 30 kph.

Reduced speed limits are also a vital way to encourage walking and cycling – in turn making all road users safer and healthier.

Give to our campaign now here.

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