Toronto Mayor John Tory to Fast-track 40km of Cycling Infrastructure
Toronto Mayor John Tory is proposing to fast-track the implementation of 40 kilometres of cycling infrastructure, city-wide across Toronto. As part of ActiveTO’s restart and recovery planning, a […]

The Hague Opens 2nd Largest Bicycle Garage in the World for 8,000 Bikes
(The Hague, NL) On July 1, The Hague in Holland opened the second largest bicycle parking facility in the world at the city’s Central Station. With room for about […]

NFB Film 60 Day Cycle Explores Downtown Vancouver During COVID-19 Pandemic
(Vancouver, BC) 60 Day Cycle, produced by renowned Squamish-based Anthill Films for the National Film Board (NFB) follows a lone cyclist, Jo Osborne, exploring downtown Vancouver during the […]

Moustache Factory Tour: Passion for eBikes Fuels Big Growth at French Powerhouse
(Thaon-Les-Vogues, FRA) Born amidst the natural beauty of the Les Vogues region of France, Moustache Bikes has grown to become one of the largest e-bike manufacturing companies in […]