February 6, 2023 - As 2023 gets underway, Cycling Industries Europe is launching a new series of open webinars dedicated to showcasing innovation in exciting cycling industry segments.

First up: Cargo bikes on Feb. 23!
The potential to create various storage compartments and novel bike frames alone seems pretty endless. But our webinar will screen the innovation horizon beyond the cargo bike itself: we want to see how cargo bikes offer highly fertile ground for new types of services, from delivery to digital, and from financial to customisable.

We’ll see how entrepreneurs are coming up with solutions to make sure the potential of cargo bikes to transform city centre is fully exploited by:
• Getting you the cargo bike, when you need it: the shared cargo bike, with Jaron Borensztajn, Co-Founder, Cargoroo
• “EU Made” cargo bikes: designing, welding, painting and assembling cargo bikes to order in Poland, with Pawel Raja, Co-Founder, Urvis Bike
• Changing the urban logistic mindset: training, advice and deliveries, with Renaud Sarrazin, Co-Founder, Urbike
• Making cargo bikes affordable: benefits of leasing using a practical example, with Thomas Schmidt, Sales, JobRad
CIE Cycling Innovation Network Webinars are completely free and open to non-members. Secure your spot with the link below!
Register here.